Room details

3 Jun 2019, 22:20

I'm newbie in Colyseus and i would like to say sorry for my poor English, I want create a play Cards game with Node.js and HTML.
I have some question :
How can i get count of user exist in the room?
How can i get name and link of rooms ?

4 Jun 2019, 12:18

@h4ss4n answer of my first question: This variable _maxClientsReached hold status of room .

7 Jun 2019, 07:13

This is how I do it (in HaXe)

Client Side : Joining/Create a room with options where I add the variable RoomName

	var theOptions:Map<String, Dynamic>=new Map<String,Dynamic>();
	theOptions.set("RoomName", ""+RoomName);

Client Side (getAvailableRooms) this will give you a list off all roomnames created

	client.getAvailableRooms(room_type, function(rooms, ?err) {
		if (err != null) trace("ERROR! " + err);
		for (room in rooms) {
trace(" room ID: "+room.roomId+" room Name: "+room.metadata.RoomName);

Server Side :

override function onInit (options:Dynamic) {
trace("Lobby created!", options);
        setMetadata(options); // is from Room documentation:

12 Jun 2019, 11:36

@mdotedot Thanks for your response it's great!

18 Jun 2019, 21:44

How can I set setMetadata on server and client ?

I try below Code but didn't work and receive this Error from browser
"Uncaught TypeError: room.setMetadata is not a function
at create (04-create-or-join-room.html:70)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (04-create-or-join-room.html:30)"

client side (Local):

function create () {
     room = client.join('create_or_join', { create: true });

Client side (Server):

    console.log("setMetadata ");

Do you have any suggestion ?

18 Jun 2019, 21:56

Hi @h4ss4n, the room metadata can be set only on server-side, and it's available for the client-side only for room listing (using getAvailableRooms() method)

18 Jun 2019, 22:47

@endel Thanks for your answer . I use this solution for set data to setMetadata and This code work well:

Client side (local):

room = client.join('create_or_join', { create: true, name:'hi2020', gametype:1 });

Server side (TS file):

onInit (options) {
gametype: options.gametype,