Colyseus Client

17 Apr 2018, 07:10


I'm using colyseus since a few weeks and I was looking for a tools that help me to debug my rooms server. I can't found anything so I've developed a web client based on colyseus-js and react.
I want to share it with the community :

  1. To help other dev to develop their colyseus server.
  2. Gather feed back and improve my tool.

So, feel free to send me feed back and improvement.

Thanks a lot

17 Apr 2018, 13:19

That's pretty cool @GuillaumeLe, thanks for sharing.

The purpose of your tool looks similar to the monitoring panel I've released yesterday! (

Maybe we can combine the features somehow. Cheers!

17 Apr 2018, 13:36

I've just seen your dashboard and it's look pretty good :)

I'll have a look on your code later to see if some feature are redundant.
However, the purpose of the tools seems to be quite different.

  • Your dashboard looks awesome to monitor and manage rooms and server on backend side.
  • My client is more like a Postman client. It helps to debug server without having a fully workable game client.