@plyoung thanks
Posts made by rscata
If a player does not make a decision in 30 seconds, how could I generate an action?
for example in a board game, if it does not move the piece, the server automatically moves the piece.
Is there a way to handling all the errors and send them to me via email?
Thanks @endel
Yes, this solution is good not to close the room, if there is no player in the room, but if in a room I have 5 players who play for example poker and by mistake one of them leave the room, how can I set an interval in which to return to the game room?
Should I set a timeout for each client?
I want to have 30 sec. to return to the room.
Or, for example, if refresh on the browser page.
In onLeave function, I implemented the destruction of the player instance, but I would like to give her some time to come back before destroying the instance.
onLeave () {
if (this.clients.length === 0) {
setTimeout(() => this._disposeIfEmpty(), 5000);
} else {
// TODO: the player can return to play
// remove instance
thank you very much for your help
on server side, when player leave room, you can set a time out to avoid session destroying for few seconds if he wants to return?
From what I tested:
- IE8 - does not support ws
- IE11 - works
- iOS 7 does not support msgpack
- IOS 9 - works
- Opera 22.x does not support ws
- Opera 33.x - works
- Android 6.0 - works
@endel thank you very much
I have not yet done, if i'm going to do i will announce you.
Thank you
Have a nice day
What method would be for the server to perform certain actions in a room (send users message, kick user, ..) depending on certain triggered events?
I was thinking of solitude by using a list system, like Redis for example, but I just do not know if it's optimal, like if I had 1000 rooms, it would mean having 1000 lists, one for each room.
As a management system for the server.
I found the problem. The problem was from me when I encode the token.
Sorry, and thank you
Hi @endel
I put some console.log for debug.
async onAuth (options) {
let authInst = new Auth();
if (undefined != options.tocken && !_.isEmpty(options.tocken)) {
const response = await authInst.checkLogin(options.tocken, this.roomName);
if (!_.isEmpty(response) && !_.isEmpty(response[0]) && !_.isEmpty(response[0].username)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
debug.errorRoomChat("onAuth: undefined tocken %O", options);
return false;
When it works well, the output is 1,2 and 3 , and when it does not work ok, the output is 1 and 2.
With the same user I tried, I just refreshed the page and sometimes work and sometimes not.
checkLogin(tocken:string, roomName:string) {
// some validations
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// db query
// if ok
return resolve(result)
// if err
return reject(err)
With verifyClient function it works perfect.
I use v9.9.0 node version
Since I upgraded to 0.9.1 and I changed the verifyClient function to onAuth function, sometimes I need to try to connect to the server several times before I succeed.
The client-side error is:
Firefox can not establish a connection to the server at ws: // localhost: 8080 / BJlPioxfjG? Colyseusid = H1F7jl-9M & channel = sah & tocken = JbFDLDmpKLzx1LWxdTQNqdp09B8BmNc6maz0CGIOYPo3Ltnp1p + ojmOdpM6dwhB5 & requestId = 1. colyseus.js: 1: 31 251 Possible causes: room's onAuth () failed or maxClients has been reached.
I did not initialize it.
With verifyClient function it works perfect.
async onAuth (options) {
let authInst = new Auth();
if (undefined != options.tocken && !_.isEmpty(options.tocken)) {
const response = await authInst.checkLogin(options.tocken, this.roomName);
if (!_.isEmpty(response) && !_.isEmpty(response[0]) && !_.isEmpty(response[0].username)) {
debug.infoRoomChat("onAuth: ok, tocken %O", options);
return true;
} else {
debug.errorRoomChat("onAuth: invalid tocken %O", options);
return false;
} else {
debug.errorRoomChat("onAuth: undefined tocken %O", options);
return false;
I upgrade to 0.9.1, and I have this problem:
TypeError: Class constructor Room cannot be invoked without 'new'
where I got the error:
export class ChatRoom extends Room {
Can you help me ?
Thank you
On the server, how can I remove a specific client?
For example, if I try to enter from another browser, I want to delete it (close the connection) for the old browser.
@endel thanks
How cand I limit the number of messages from a chat room.
I try to shift
, but then it does not do the sync ok.
thank you