Where's the Endpoint of my Colyseus server running in Heroku? To use in Construct 3 addon (SOLVED)

2 Apr 2018, 16:17

Hi, I have Colyseus running on Heroku and I have installed the Colyseus addon in Construct 3 (thanks for updating the addon file). Now, ¿where do I find the Endpoint of my Colyseus server running in Heroku to set on the addon properties (which comes set at ws://localhost:2567)?

Thanks :)

2 Apr 2018, 16:19

Hey @Carlos-Montesino, there's an "endpoint" property you can change when you select the "Colyseus" object you create inside the editor.

Hope this helps!

2 Apr 2018, 16:20

Thanks @endel, I see that property, I just don't know what I'm supposed to set there. Do I have to find that endpoint somewhere inside Heroku? maybe the logs?

2 Apr 2018, 16:24

Usually, your Heroku URL is name-of-the-project.herokuapp.com, then your endpoint would be "ws://name-of-the-project.herokuapp.com".

2 Apr 2018, 16:28

thanks @endel,

Ok, so I tried these endpoints "ws://carmenproject.herokuapp.com:2567" and "ws://carmenproject.herokuapp.com", but I get this: 0_1522686471253_Captura de pantalla 2018-04-02 a la(s) 13.25.36.png :(

2 Apr 2018, 16:30

@Carlos-Montesino Alright, that's good to know! Can you try using secure WebSockets instead? (wss://carmenproject.herokuapp.com)

2 Apr 2018, 16:38

@endel It works, thanks! :)

21 May 2018, 16:56

Hello @Carlos-Montesino , which files did you upload to Heroku so that you can make your own endpoint?

I want to make my own endpoint also.

21 May 2018, 17:48

@Carlos-Montesino, i've tried your endpoint (wss://carmenproject.herokuapp.com) but it is not working properly.
the "please wait" text is not destroyed. it seems that it is cannot join any room.