Reldens - MMORPG Platform

Hello everyone!
I'm back on the project and v4.0.0-beta.7 is about to be released!

What's included in this beta?

  • Issues fixed! 5 issues were reported and the 5 were fixed
  • Battle mode is been implemented, you will be able to start a battle and set a battle time-off which will be considered after the last player attack (still incomplete since there are none rules for what happens on this mode, but it's already available to setup any).
  • PvP with (for now), short distance attack was implemented using the battle mode.
  • A new "Forest" map was included with some enemies. PvE is still in progress but will be available with the beta.7 release.
  • A path finder was implemented (though it still can be improved, it's working for a start point), now you can click on the scene and the player will move to that point. With this implementation enemies will also go after you.
  • Health bar is now visible for the current player.
  • Some new animations are been implemented and others were fixed: hit player and die.
  • All dependencies were updated: Colyseus 0.12.x, Phaser, etc.

Here's a small video to show you the progress!

Some time without publish a new release, so here's beta.11!

What's new on this beta?

  • Made bundler optional and created an await class for the original process.
  • Packages updates.
  • Fixed issues from GitHub #54, #60, #62, #63.
  • Fixed monitor and included authentication.
  • Exported modules @reldens/utils and @reldens/storage.
  • Included SQL script for upgrade from beta.8 to beta.9.
  • PvE, PvP, different attacks short and long distance are fully working, though there still some improvements to be made these are fully operational.
  • Pathfinder was improved and pathfinder layers were included.

Here's the last video:

Hello everyone!

Long time without post any updates and that's because this is a big one.
I've created two new websites, one for me, and one for the project
Along with this I've also deployed a new beta of the project: v4.0.0-beta.14 which includes a lot of new features!

The main ones:

  • Inventory system.
  • Equipment.
  • Improvements on responsive screen and mobile experience.
  • A bit better performance related to some recursive unneeded queries to the database.
  • And a lot of other changes that you can check on the change log.

For last I've also created accounts on Patreon and Ko-fi so any support will be really appreciated, this project can be a reality sooner if I can get any support.
Obviously by support I never mean only money, I'm also looking for anyone that would like to collaborate on the graphics side and improve the demo.

Any feedback will be appreciated! I've put a lot of effort on this and I will keep doing it! So I hope you like it!


great job, I love it.

Thanks @DevenWen ! A new beta is coming out soon with some good fixes and new features :)

Hello everyone! Just to bring some updates here!

A lot happened since beta.15, we are in beta.17 now and a lot new features had been included:

  • Multiple players per user is now available (it can be enable/disable in the database).
  • New contents can be dynamically created on the database:
    Class paths (5 included in the demo)
    Levels based on experience system (10 levels for each class were generated for the demo)
    Skills (by levels), with different types (attacks, effects, physical attacks, physical effects)
    Player stats (the basic were included in the demo as example, like HP, MP, ATK, DEF, etc)
  • Included W-A-S-D controllers.
  • Improved initial screen, logos and background as part of the sample theme.
  • Improved death event and game restart automatically with a timer configurable in the database.
  • New optional features:
    Display enemies life-bar
    Display other players life-bar
    Damage configurable to be displayed on the sprites that were hit
    Players names configurable to be visible on every player
  • Included instructions UI (button and boxed modal with inside-scroll).
  • Included new animations for: directional skills, skills cast, skills hit, physical Skills moving object, deaths and level up.
  • Optional set player in direction to the target when casting a skill.
  • Optional enable/disable TAB target.
  • Implement class selector on registration.
  • Implemented events using remove and master keys to handle events easily per user, object or room.
  • New chat balloon alert and new example notifications.

And at the same time a lot of fixes were applied, you can always find the details on the releases page:


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It's so nice. thanks for sharing your experience

@dpastorini awesome! Thanks for your work!

Thanks! :)