Hello everyone!
I'm back on the project and v4.0.0-beta.7 is about to be released!
What's included in this beta?
- Issues fixed! 5 issues were reported and the 5 were fixed https://github.com/damian-pastorini/reldens/issues
- Battle mode is been implemented, you will be able to start a battle and set a battle time-off which will be considered after the last player attack (still incomplete since there are none rules for what happens on this mode, but it's already available to setup any).
- PvP with (for now), short distance attack was implemented using the battle mode.
- A new "Forest" map was included with some enemies. PvE is still in progress but will be available with the beta.7 release.
- A path finder was implemented (though it still can be improved, it's working for a start point), now you can click on the scene and the player will move to that point. With this implementation enemies will also go after you.
- Health bar is now visible for the current player.
- Some new animations are been implemented and others were fixed: hit player and die.
- All dependencies were updated: Colyseus 0.12.x, Phaser, etc.
Here's a small video to show you the progress!