State.hx:13: Type not found : MapSchema when trying colyseus with haxe/openfl.

12 May 2021, 19:18

Downloaded the example from here:

I get error from State.hx :

import io.colyseus.serializer.schema.*;

class State extends Schema {
@:type("map", Player)
public var players: MapSchema<Player> = new MapSchema<Player>();


I have already installed
Haxe, OpenFL, Lime, colyseus, colyseus-websocket

How can I sort the error?

12 May 2021, 19:19

Hi @vishwasgagrani, welcome! What is the error you're getting exactly?

12 May 2021, 19:22

When I use the command:
openfl test html5
It says:

Source/State.hx:13: characters 22-39 : Type not found : MapSchema

The command for openfl works fine for other projects.

13 May 2021, 09:34

Figured it out. The state.hx needs one more line:
import io.colyseus.serializer.schema.types.*;

So the code becomes:

import io.colyseus.serializer.schema.;
import io.colyseus.serializer.schema.types.;

class State extends Schema {
@:type("map", Player)
public var players: MapSchema<Player> = new MapSchema<Player>();
