Cocos2d-x Colyseus client issue

1 Mar 2018, 16:32

Hi, I'm new on colyseus & node.js. Trying to run cocos2-x sample from this link. when npm start , I got this message :
alt text

When the game run, it's just a blank screen in my phone.
Please help. Am i missing something ?

1 Mar 2018, 17:02

Hi @Ade-Suluh,

You can run the server from this repository using this command:

npm run watch & nodemon ./index.js

The cocos2d-x client was made by the community (@chunho32), and it works only with version 0.4.x of the server. The latest version of the server is 0.8.x. I personally haven't tested the cocos2d client.
