Colyseus Unity SDK Example Folder won't import into Project(solved)

28 Apr 2022, 17:39

I am trying to learn colyseus and am doing so through unity but when I try to import the plugin the import window looks like this:
0_1651167460440_Unity Coly2.png

And when I import it, the examples do not show up in the project window:
0_1651167578571_Unity Coly1.png

Has this happened to anyone else? Am I missing something in Unity? If so I can start my search there but I didn't see anyone else with this issue in the forum.

29 Apr 2022, 05:37

Hi. You can find the examples in the unitypackage file downloaded from here:

29 Apr 2022, 12:52

@coco Thanks for getting back to me! So I got to the plugin and downloaded it but when I import the plugin the examples don't carry over. And when I checked the zip in the March 2022 update, I don't see the examples folder under Runtime. Sorry! I'm sure I'm missing something because I can see the examples folder in the import window it just doesn't show up in my project.

29 Apr 2022, 13:29

@coco Never mind! Figured out! Thanks!!