Hello everyone I hope you are doing well, I have retrieved the code of the colyseus-loadTest tool so that I can customize it according to the need I want, when I run the test with the localhost endpoint it works well but when I run the test with the connection link of the Powered Ascent plan it does not work, I have this bad gateway error.
Bad gateway
Hey @chaimae, what's the server URL you're connecting to? We only found a indie plan with your username/email. Cheers!
Hey @endel i have two account one with the PA plan and the other with the indie plan here is the server url tnktcr.colyseus.dev
Hey @endel , im still having the same issue any solution proposition please ?
Hey @chaimae, I'm in contact with the Arena team to check what's going on with your deployment 🤞 will get back to you soon, sorry for the inconvenience
Hey @endel thank you ,I will be waiting for your response .